Journal of Sociology and Anthropology
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Journal of Sociology and Anthropology. 2017, 1(1), 41-46
DOI: 10.12691/jsa-1-1-6
Open AccessArticle

Job Satisfaction of Public and Private Primary School Teachers of Bogra District in Bangladesh

Arifin Sultana1, , Md Nazirul Islam Sarker2 and AZM Shafiullah Prodhan3

1Department of Psychology, National University, Gazipur, Bangladesh

2School of Public Administration, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China

3Department of Horticulture, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University, Gazipur, Bangladesh

Pub. Date: July 27, 2017

Cite this paper:
Arifin Sultana, Md Nazirul Islam Sarker and AZM Shafiullah Prodhan. Job Satisfaction of Public and Private Primary School Teachers of Bogra District in Bangladesh. Journal of Sociology and Anthropology. 2017; 1(1):41-46. doi: 10.12691/jsa-1-1-6


This study explored the level of job satisfaction among private and public primary school teachers of Bangladesh. Data have been collected randomly from 40 primary school teachers of Bogra district in Bangladesh through a structured questionnaire in February to March 2011. Among the respondents, 50% is government primary school teachers while 50% is private primary school teachers. Brayfield and Rothe (1951) method was used to determine the job satisfaction of the primary school teachers. Likert scale was used for measuring the attitude of the primary school teachers on their job. This research revealed that there was no significant difference between the job satisfaction of government and private primary school teachers. It also showed that female teachers are more satisfied than male teachers. The study suggests that an effective policy on the compensation package, promotional opportunities, end service benefits should be ensured by the government to improve the job satisfaction and attitude of primary school teachers irrespective of public and private primary school.

job satisfaction motivation private public primary school Bangladesh

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