Journal of Sociology and Anthropology
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Journal of Sociology and Anthropology. 2019, 3(2), 65-79
DOI: 10.12691/jsa-3-2-4
Open AccessArticle

Effect of Domestic Abuse on Women's Homelessness in Cork City: Professional Workers’ Perspective

Kuye Ganiyat Abolaji1,

1Department of Applied Social Studies, Cork Institute of Technology, Ireland

Pub. Date: September 06, 2019

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Kuye Ganiyat Abolaji. Effect of Domestic Abuse on Women's Homelessness in Cork City: Professional Workers’ Perspective. Journal of Sociology and Anthropology. 2019; 3(2):65-79. doi: 10.12691/jsa-3-2-4


In Ireland, domestic abuse is a serious social and public health quagmire, which its menace is correspondingly growing with the homeless status of families especially those headed by women. However, studies conducted in this direction are mostly targeted at the victims of domestic abuse neglecting the opinions of professional workers who provide support services to these victims. This study therefore determined the impact of domestic abuse on women homelessness in Cork City as expressed by professional workers. The study adopted the mixed method research design. The convenience sampling technique was used for the selection 23 professional staff, which served as research subjects. Both quantitative (online survey self-designed questionnaire) and qualitative (interview) data collection methods were utilised for the study. Quantitative data were statistically treated with frequency counts and percentages, while qualitative data were content analysed. Findings from both the quantitative, and qualitative analysis revealed that, emotional/psychological abuse was the most common form of domestic abuse experienced by women. Result also shows that: personality trait (91.03%), as well as early childhood experience of and exposure to violence (95.66%) were major contributing factors to domestic abuse. The study also found that domestic abuse is a major factor of women becoming homeless (87.0%). In furtherance, the study discovered that majority of abused women always avoid confrontations with their partners (39.13%), remain silent with the hope that the situation will improve (17.39%, while few women always seek social support or report to the police (13.03% respectively). The study concluded that, although most victims/abused women exercise some self-management actions, it is not enough to prevent its consequential effect, as domestic abuse has a devastating effect on women becoming homeless. Thus, there is need for further research in order to develop approaches that will efficiently and effectively meet the needs of the women who are experiencing or have /experienced domestic abuse.

domestic abuse professional workers victims abused women

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