Journal of Mechanical Design and Vibration
ISSN (Print): 2376-9564 ISSN (Online): 2376-9572 Website: Editor-in-chief: Shravan H. Gawande
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Journal of Mechanical Design and Vibration. 2024, 11(1), 1-9
DOI: 10.12691/jmdv-11-1-1
Open AccessReview Article

Optimum Design of Connecting Rod – A Review

Maher Rehaif Khudhair1, , Farah Kamil1, Mohannad A. Kadhom1 and Faeq H. Gburi1

1AL-Dewaniyah Technical Institute AL-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University, Iraq

Pub. Date: March 29, 2024

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Maher Rehaif Khudhair, Farah Kamil, Mohannad A. Kadhom and Faeq H. Gburi. Optimum Design of Connecting Rod – A Review. Journal of Mechanical Design and Vibration. 2024; 11(1):1-9. doi: 10.12691/jmdv-11-1-1


This study discusses a comprehensive review of the optimal design of the connecting rod used in internal combustion engines and compressors. The connecting rod is an important part and a major component that is produced in large quantities for automobile engines. Its purpose is to link the piston to the rotating crankshaft to create a mechanism for the movement reciprocating of the piston. Carbon steel is commonly used in the manufacture of connecting rods, but there is a growing trend towards utilizing aluminum alloys. Objective of this study is to optimize the shape of the connecting rod in an automobile engine. The optimization aims to minimize the stresses experienced by the connecting rod under both compressive loads from maximum engine output and bending loads caused by the inertia force during maximum engine power with a focused on reducing its weight. Various stresses and deformations need to be considered when designing the connecting rod, along with the comparison of different materials. Additionally, it is important to explore various software and Finite Element Method (FEM) packages that can be utilized for the modeling and analysis of the connecting rod.

connecting rod optimization design material selection FEM

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