Journal of Food Security
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Journal of Food Security. 2021, 9(3), 126-135
DOI: 10.12691/jfs-9-3-5
Open AccessArticle

Sustainable Social Entrepreneurship Models for Urban Agribusiness Initiatives in Johannesburg

Michael Rudolph1, , Madimetja Antony Mello1 and Evans Muchesa1

1Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment (FEBE), University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg, South Africa

Pub. Date: August 25, 2021

Cite this paper:
Michael Rudolph, Madimetja Antony Mello and Evans Muchesa. Sustainable Social Entrepreneurship Models for Urban Agribusiness Initiatives in Johannesburg. Journal of Food Security. 2021; 9(3):126-135. doi: 10.12691/jfs-9-3-5


The objectives of the study were to explore and develop a sustainable social entrepreneurship model which can be effectively and efficiently applied in the establishment, operations, and evaluation of urban farming initiatives in Johannesburg. The methodology used for the study was a review of relevant literature and key expert qualitative interviews which investigated strategic and operational intervention regarding the successful implementation of these initiatives. The findings highlighted several important challenges which limited and hampered the ability of urban smallholder farmers to ensure financial viability and sustainability of their farming initiatives. The results confirmed findings from other studies including limited accessibility to farming land, markets, funding and most importantly knowledge and information regarding setting up and effectively and efficiently managing small agri-businesses. One of the outcomes of this study is a proposed social entrepreneurship model that describes an alternative way of thinking about social initiatives, viz. a focus on both social impact and the profitability of the business. Further work needs to be done to develop an enabling environment for these initiatives to flourish. This study should stimulate and trigger a much-needed shift in thinking and approach to urban agriculture to effectively benefit and transform the urban farming community and related stakeholders.

social entrepreneurship urban farming agribusiness sustainable food security

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