Journal of Finance and Accounting
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Journal of Finance and Accounting. 2024, 12(2), 52-60
DOI: 10.12691/jfa-12-2-1
Open AccessArticle

Research on Security Firms Improving Service Platform Ability and Strengthening Customer Service

Jung-Chuan Chen1,

1Feng Chia University

Pub. Date: June 02, 2024

Cite this paper:
Jung-Chuan Chen. Research on Security Firms Improving Service Platform Ability and Strengthening Customer Service. Journal of Finance and Accounting. 2024; 12(2):52-60. doi: 10.12691/jfa-12-2-1


The Taiwan stock market has experienced a bullish trend for 13 years since the 2008 financial tsunami, leading to a nationwide campaign for depositing shares. The policy of halving day-trading taxes has been extended for another three years, and the Covid-19 pandemic has further boosted trading volume and the number of accounts. In 2021, 770,000 new accounts were opened, with a total of 12.1 million accounts and a record-high daily trading volume of NT$ 5.5 million. The increase in accounts and trading volume has posed significant challenges to security companies, including account opening, order placement, and trading platforms. After mergers and acquisitions, few giants now dominate the security sector, with brokerage as their core business. The competition for lower fees has intensified, with handling fees already down to 0.04% in mainland China. With younger and more price-sensitive investors entering the market, the business is under more severe pressure. To address these challenges, Company A has leveraged financial technology and innovative services to acquire customers, diversify business functions and revenues. The company has developed its platform strategy, investment and trading platforms, and diversified financial services to cater to various customer needs, creating competitive advantages from differentiation. The development of Fintech has high efficiency and low cost, helping the company increase its net profit margin. The platform construction has enhanced user connections and synergistic effects, providing a platform to collect user information and behavioral profiles. The company continues to cultivate and maintain customer relationships offline and online, creating a comprehensive global asset allocation platform for trading and investment. The OMO integrates marketing growth tools and platform strategies to strengthen horizontal communication within the financial holdings, creating new business momentum. The cooperative synergy is based on stock fund product development and financial momentum expansion, creating diversified income. The research aims to provide reference value and contribution for Taiwan security companies to meet investor needs by launching innovative services and business strategies.

Fintech innovative services platform strategy

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