Journal of Computer Sciences and Applications
ISSN (Print): 2328-7268 ISSN (Online): 2328-725X Website: Editor-in-chief: Minhua Ma, Patricia Goncalves
Open Access
Journal Browser
Journal of Computer Sciences and Applications. 2015, 3(3), 73-78
DOI: 10.12691/jcsa-3-3-3
Open AccessArticle

DecenCrypto Cloud: Decentralized Cryptography Technique for Secure Communication over the Clouds

Shyam Nandan Kumar1,

1M.Tech-Computer Science and Engineering, Lakshmi Narain College of Technology, Indore, India

Pub. Date: June 03, 2015

Cite this paper:
Shyam Nandan Kumar. DecenCrypto Cloud: Decentralized Cryptography Technique for Secure Communication over the Clouds. Journal of Computer Sciences and Applications. 2015; 3(3):73-78. doi: 10.12691/jcsa-3-3-3


With the advent of the World Wide Web and the emergence of e-commerce applications and social networks, organizations across the Cloud, share a large amount of data day by day. Secure Data sharing is an important issue over the cloud environment. In order to enhance the security services, the paper proposes Decentralized Cryptography Technique for Secure Communication over the Clouds. In this paper, Cryptography Model for Secure Data Sharing over Cloud is presented first. Cryptography Management Approach is given to access the secure resource over cloud and then Algorithm Design Methodology is provided in decentralized manner. The paper also provides a concise but all-round analysis on data security and privacy protection issues associated with cloud computing.

cloud computing data sharing encryption decryption cloud security cryptography secure communication data security www

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