Journal of Behavioural Economics, Finance, Entrepreneurship, Accounting and Transport
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Journal of Behavioural Economics, Finance, Entrepreneurship, Accounting and Transport. 2014, 2(2), 41-46
DOI: 10.12691/jbe-2-2-2
Open AccessReview Article

Healthcare Provider-Payment Mechanisms: A Review of Literature

Micheal Kofi Boachie1,

1Department of Economics, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology, Kumasi, Ghana

Pub. Date: May 25, 2014

Cite this paper:
Micheal Kofi Boachie. Healthcare Provider-Payment Mechanisms: A Review of Literature. Journal of Behavioural Economics, Finance, Entrepreneurship, Accounting and Transport. 2014; 2(2):41-46. doi: 10.12691/jbe-2-2-2


Providing cost-effective quality healthcare services have been of increasing interest to purchasers, providers, and patients in recent years, especially, for low – income economies. Recent discussions have focused on provider payment methods and how to restrict needless demand for healthcare services. The reason is that providers, patients, or payers face different kinds of incentives for efficiency, quality, and usage of healthcare services produced by payment methods. This paper presents a review of literature on healthcare provider payment mechanisms to enable purchasers and providers play a win-win game to protect patients.

capitation fee-for-service healthcare providers costing per-diems

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