Journal of Atmospheric Pollution
ISSN (Print): 2381-2982 ISSN (Online): 2381-2990 Website: Editor-in-chief: Ki-Hyun Kim
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Journal of Atmospheric Pollution. 2013, 1(1), 12-17
DOI: 10.12691/jap-1-1-4
Open AccessArticle

Spatio - Temporal Trace Gas and Trace Metal Foot Prints in an Industrial and Marine Scenario

Jose Mathew1, , Gayathree Devi P. K1 and Sujatha. C. H1

1Department of Chemical Oceanography,School of Marine Science,Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kerala, India

Pub. Date: December 17, 2013

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Jose Mathew, Gayathree Devi P. K and Sujatha. C. H. Spatio - Temporal Trace Gas and Trace Metal Foot Prints in an Industrial and Marine Scenario. Journal of Atmospheric Pollution. 2013; 1(1):12-17. doi: 10.12691/jap-1-1-4


A framework budget of ambient atmospheric gases and Particulate Matter are pooled over six stations in the metropolis of Kochi, Kerala, India, during the summer and winter seasons of 2010 and 2011. In order to assess the air quality in the coastal and industrial location, six topographically prominent and distinct areas are selected. The gases like sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and ammonia are selected owing to its importance on human health. Besides, particulate matter is monitored in order to quantify the trace metal present, which causes serious respiratory and cardiac problems. Elevated concentrations are observed in winter for all the parameters monitored compared to summer, which provides an insight in to the circulation of gases and particulate matter along the unlike seasons. The winter season with more stable atmospheric pattern tend to cumulate the pollutants rather than dispersing it due to temperature gradient. Industrial sites show prominent levels of sulphur dioxide and ammonia. Considerable increase in nitrogen dioxide unravels the folded increase in vehicular motors. The particulate matter study for selected trace metals untie the concentration of iron, lead, copper and zinc to be augmented in winter. Statistical methodologies are applied to assess the relationship between the seasons.

Kochi sulphur dioxide nitrogen dioxide ammonia particulate matter summer and winter

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