International Journal of Celiac Disease
ISSN (Print): 2334-3427 ISSN (Online): 2334-3486 Website: Editor-in-chief: Samasca Gabriel
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International Journal of Celiac Disease. 2020, 8(3), 107-109
DOI: 10.12691/ijcd-8-3-7
Open AccessArticle

Orchestrating the Tumor Microenvironment in Colorectal Cancer

Daniel Sur1, 2, and Alexandru Irimie2, 3

1Department of Medical Oncology, University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Iuliu Hatieganu”, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

2Oncology Department, “Prof. Dr. Ion Chiricuta” Oncology Institute, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

3Department of Oncological Surgery and Gynecological Oncology, “Iuliu Hatieganu” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Pub. Date: August 02, 2020

Cite this paper:
Daniel Sur and Alexandru Irimie. Orchestrating the Tumor Microenvironment in Colorectal Cancer. International Journal of Celiac Disease. 2020; 8(3):107-109. doi: 10.12691/ijcd-8-3-7


Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most common cancers worldwide. Despite the improvement of treatment options that bettered advanced-stage patient’s overall survival, the clinical outcome is still poor. The tumor microenvironment is thought to be an essential participant in the metastasis process. Liver metastases are the most frequent metastases that occur in CRC patients. It is believed that colorectal cancer has the liver as a preferential site for metastasis, and this is possible due to the multiple interactions that happen in the tumor microenvironment and due to the tumor stem cells input. As a means to investigate this biological process, microRNAs (miRNAs) have established a name for themselves as putative biomarkers in cancer and especially colorectal cancer. In this pilot study, we explored miRNAs expression that by influencing the tumor stem cells can help prevail liver metastasis in advanced-stage CRC patients.

colorectal cancer liver metastases tumor microenvironment tumor stem cells miRNA

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