Frontiers of Astronomy, Astrophysics and Cosmology
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Frontiers of Astronomy, Astrophysics and Cosmology. 2015, 1(1), 43-55
DOI: 10.12691/faac-1-1-6
Open AccessReview Article

On the Role of Schwarzschild Interaction in Understanding Strong Interaction and Nuclear Binding Energy

U. V. S. Seshavatharam1, and S. Lakshminarayana2

1Honorary faculty, I-SERVE, Alakapuri, Hyderabad-35, Telangana, India

2Department of Nuclear Physics, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam-03, AP, India

Pub. Date: March 13, 2015

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U. V. S. Seshavatharam and S. Lakshminarayana. On the Role of Schwarzschild Interaction in Understanding Strong Interaction and Nuclear Binding Energy. Frontiers of Astronomy, Astrophysics and Cosmology. 2015; 1(1):43-55. doi: 10.12691/faac-1-1-6


In this paper the authors reviewed the basics of final unification with respect to Schwarzschild interaction and strong interaction. In the earlier published papers the authors suggested that, strength of any interaction can be defined as the ratio of the operating force magnitude and the magnitude of (c4/G) . If strength of the Schwarzschild interaction is assumed to be unity, then weak interaction strength seems to be ‘squared Avogadro number (N2A) ’ times less than the Schwarzschild interaction. ‘Inverse’ of the strong coupling constant can be considered as the “natural logarithm of square root of ratio of gravitational and electromagnetic force ratio of down quark mass where the operating gravitational constant is squared Avogadro number times the gravitational constant. With the earlier proposed two new grand unified back ground numbers and the unified force (c4/N2AG), attempt is made to fit and understand the mystery of Up and Down quarks, strong coupling constant, nuclear stability, nuclear binding energy. It is very strange and very interesting to say that, at the stable mass number, nuclear binding energy is approximately equal to the sum of rest energy of 2Z up quarks and Z(1+as) down quarks where as is the strong coupling constant.

gravitational constant astrophysical force limit avogadro number schwarzschild’s interaction strong interaction SEMF atomic radii final unification

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