Chemical Engineering and Science
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Chemical Engineering and Science. 2016, 4(1), 5-11
DOI: 10.12691/ces-4-1-2
Open AccessArticle

Production of Biofuel from Agricultural Plant Wastes: Corn Stover and Sugarcane Bagasse

H.M. Zakir1, , M. Hasan2, S.M.S. Shahriar1, Tanziman Ara3 and M. Hossain3

1Department of Applied Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi, Bangladesh

2IGCRT, Bangladesh Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, Dhaka, Bangladesh

3Department of Botany, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi, Bangladesh

Pub. Date: November 07, 2016

Cite this paper:
H.M. Zakir, M. Hasan, S.M.S. Shahriar, Tanziman Ara and M. Hossain. Production of Biofuel from Agricultural Plant Wastes: Corn Stover and Sugarcane Bagasse. Chemical Engineering and Science. 2016; 4(1):5-11. doi: 10.12691/ces-4-1-2


Cellulosic ethanol is a biofuel, produced from different kinds of raw materials such as simple sugars, starch and lignocellulose because of their low cost and huge availability. In the present study lignocellulosic substances such as suger cane bagasse and corn stover are used as feedstocks for bioethanol production by using cellulolysis process. Though agricultural wastes are cost effective, renewable and abundant but there occur several challenges and limitations in the process of converting lignocellulosic materials to ethanol such as efficient pretreatment methods for lignin removal, hydrolysis of pretreated lignocellulosic materials, using enzymes to break complex cellulose into simple sugars such as glucose and followed by fermentation and distillation. The choice of pretreatment methods plays an important role to increase the efficiency of enzymatic scarification thereby making the whole process economically viable. The study was also carried out to determine the significant influences of pH and temperature on fermentation due to its effect on yeast growth and fermentation rate.

cellulosic ethanol lignocellulosic materials fermentation distrillation and enzymatic scarification

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