American Journal of Water Resources
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American Journal of Water Resources. 2024, 12(4), 165-174
DOI: 10.12691/ajwr-12-4-6
Open AccessArticle

Biological and Chemical Quality of Sachet-Packaged Water in Togo: Public Health Risk Analysis in the Urban and Peri-urban Areas of Atakpamé, Togo

Akpénè Amenuvevega Dougna1, 2, , Labodja Tchagao2, Agbessi Koffi Sodomon1, Ibrahim Tchakala2, Seyf-Laye Alfa-Sika Mande1, 2, Gbandi Djaneye-Boundjou2 and Moctar L. Bawa2

1Laboratory of Organic Chemistry and Environmental Science, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Kara, BP 404 Kara-Togo

2Laboratory of Applied Hydrology and the Environment, Faculty of Science, University of Lomé, BP 1515 Lomé, Togo

Pub. Date: November 22, 2024

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Akpénè Amenuvevega Dougna, Labodja Tchagao, Agbessi Koffi Sodomon, Ibrahim Tchakala, Seyf-Laye Alfa-Sika Mande, Gbandi Djaneye-Boundjou and Moctar L. Bawa. Biological and Chemical Quality of Sachet-Packaged Water in Togo: Public Health Risk Analysis in the Urban and Peri-urban Areas of Atakpamé, Togo. American Journal of Water Resources. 2024; 12(4):165-174. doi: 10.12691/ajwr-12-4-6


Water is vital for human health, yet many regions struggle to provide safe drinking water that meets WHO drinking water quality (GDWQ). Since the 2000s, there has been a proliferation of sachet-packaged water in Togo, commonly called "Pure Water”. It is perceived as a safer alternative to tap water and is highly appreciated by the local population due to its affordability and availability. Therefore, this study aims to assess the health risks associated with water consumption in Atakpame by analyzing microbiological and physico-chemical parameters. A mixed-method approach was employed, combining field surveys and laboratory analyses to evaluate compliance with standards. The survey revealed that over 70% of factories have an unhealthy environment, with inadequate employee hygiene practices, highlighting severe public health concerns. The physicochemical assessment highlighted issues of over-demineralization, with significant cations such as calcium (≤ 17 mg/L) and magnesium (≤ 7.8 mg/L) nearly absent. This raises concerns about the nutritional quality of the water but also suggests that current purification methods may excessively strip beneficial minerals for human health. A comparative study of samples at T0 and T30 showed germ growth during storage. Awareness-raising among the population, improved production practices, and employee training can mitigate the various health risks. Addressing these challenges is essential for protecting public health in Atakpame and ensuring that sachet-packaged water remains a safe and reliable source of hydration for communities across Togo.

Health Risks Sachet-Packaged Water Production Plant WHO Drinking Water Quality

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