American Journal of Water Resources
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American Journal of Water Resources. 2024, 12(3), 71-76
DOI: 10.12691/ajwr-12-3-1
Open AccessArticle

A Comparative Analyses of Physicochemical and Microbial Content of Water from the Tank Source and Water Fountain Quality and Filtration Effectivity in Liceo De Cagayan University – Main Campus

Hershean P. Senapilo1, Gerard Vincent B. Almonia1, Kiercy O. Dolosa1, May Ann C. Gelbolingo1, Abigail Jim G. Lapinid1, Dennicy D. Perez1, Jas Felicisimo A. Cane1, and Naihma Mae E. Casicas1

1Liceo de Cagayan University, Rodolfo N. Pelaez Boulevard, Brgy Kauswagan, 9000, Cagayan de Oro, Mindanao, Philippines

Pub. Date: July 11, 2024

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Hershean P. Senapilo, Gerard Vincent B. Almonia, Kiercy O. Dolosa, May Ann C. Gelbolingo, Abigail Jim G. Lapinid, Dennicy D. Perez, Jas Felicisimo A. Cane and Naihma Mae E. Casicas. A Comparative Analyses of Physicochemical and Microbial Content of Water from the Tank Source and Water Fountain Quality and Filtration Effectivity in Liceo De Cagayan University – Main Campus. American Journal of Water Resources. 2024; 12(3):71-76. doi: 10.12691/ajwr-12-3-1


Monitoring water quality in educational institutions such as schools and universities are critical to ensuring the health and well-being of students and faculty who rely on potable water for hydration and sanitation. This study examined the physicochemical and microbial properties of water from a tank source and its corresponding water fountain at an educational institution. Temperature, turbidity, pH, Total dissolved solids, Lead levels, and E. coli are among the tests performed. The mean values of all parameters have met the standard specified by the Philippine National requirements for Drinking Water, the United States Environmental Protection Agency, and the World Health Organization, indicating that effective filtration processes exist. However, ongoing monitoring for additional indicators is recommended in order to maintain water quality standards. This emphasizes the significance of regular assessments and attention in protecting the water supply in educational settings, resulting in a healthy and safe learning environment for everybody.

water quality monitoring physicochemical and microbial parameters drinking water safety

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