American Journal of Vehicle Design
ISSN (Print): ISSN Pending ISSN (Online): ISSN Pending Website: Editor-in-chief: Dr. SRINIVASA VENKATESHAPPA CHIKKOL
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American Journal of Vehicle Design. 2019, 5(1), 5-9
DOI: 10.12691/ajvd-5-1-2
Open AccessArticle

Research Semiquantitatively on Camouflaging Right A-Pillar of Vehicle

Yizong He1,

1Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA

Pub. Date: October 14, 2019

Cite this paper:
Yizong He. Research Semiquantitatively on Camouflaging Right A-Pillar of Vehicle. American Journal of Vehicle Design. 2019; 5(1):5-9. doi: 10.12691/ajvd-5-1-2


Various parameters of stealth prisms being adjusted for different A-pillars of vehicles were investigated in detail. The research on camouflaging the right A-pillar of sedans has been done both qualitatively and semiquantitatively. For drivers with different heights, the pupillary distance skillfully compensates for the differences in observation points. Present calculations semiquantitatively of invisible rate and mechanical strength of A-pillar have proved that camouflaging the right A-pillar is feasible.

stealth technology camouflage technology automobile industry A-pillar of vehicle quadrangular prism quadrilateral prism

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