American Journal of Sensor Technology
ISSN (Print): 2373-3454 ISSN (Online): 2373-3462 Website: Editor-in-chief: Vyacheslav Tuzlukov
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American Journal of Sensor Technology. 2013, 1(1), 1-4
DOI: 10.12691/ajst-1-1-1
Open AccessArticle

Investigation on LaF3-Impregnated Porous Silicon Heterostructur as Potentionmetric Sensor for Fluoride Ion in Aqueous Medium

Md. Earul Islam1, , Md. Julkarnain2, Jaker Hossain2, Abu Bakar Md. Ismail2 and Md. Hafijur Rahman3

1Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Rajshahi University, Rajshahi, Bangladesh

2Department of Applied Physics & Electronic Engineering, Rajshahi University, Rajshahi, Bangladesh

3Department of Physics, Pabna University of Science & Technology, Pabna, Bangladesh

Pub. Date: October 08, 2013

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Md. Earul Islam, Md. Julkarnain, Jaker Hossain, Abu Bakar Md. Ismail and Md. Hafijur Rahman. Investigation on LaF3-Impregnated Porous Silicon Heterostructur as Potentionmetric Sensor for Fluoride Ion in Aqueous Medium. American Journal of Sensor Technology. 2013; 1(1):1-4. doi: 10.12691/ajst-1-1-1


Impregnation of pores of porous silicon (PS) by Lanthanum Fluoride (LaF3) using a novel one-step chemical bath technique, and application of the LaF3-impregnated porous silicon (PS) structure (LaF3/PS) as a potentiometric fluoride ion sensor have been investigated in this article. The impregnation of LaF3 inside the pores of porous silicon was achieved using a chemical bath technique developed by this group. The Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and EDX on the cross-section of LaF3/PS/Si structure confirmed the LaF3 film deposition inside the pores of PS. The heterostructure of LaF3/PS/Si was investigated as fluoride ion (F-) sensor in aqueous medium. The high specific area of PS was taken as the key subject to investigate the high fluoride sensitivity of the LaF3/PS structure in aqueous medium. When experimented with home made fluoride solution having various concentrations the annealed LaF3/PS/Si structure was found to detect the fluoride ion in aqueous solution. Its response was found linear in the fluoride concentration range of 2.28~4.28 pF. As capacitive sensor the overall fluoride sensitivity was found to be over-Nernstian (400 mV/pF). The experimental results indicate that LaF3-impregnated porous silicon structure (LaF3/PS) can be used as a high-sensitive fluoride-ion sensor in aqueous medium.

porous silicon potentiometric sensor fluoride sensor capacitive EIPS structure

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