American Journal of Software Engineering
ISSN (Print): 2379-5271 ISSN (Online): 2379-528X Website: Editor-in-chief: Vicente Garcia Diaz
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American Journal of Software Engineering. 2017, 5(1), 1-15
DOI: 10.12691/ajse-5-1-1
Open AccessArticle

Development of a Mobile and Web Based System for Maintenance & Repair and Asset Management

Kenan KOÇER1, and Serdar BİROĞUL2

1Department of Technology Development Zone, Kocaeli University Bimser Çözüm A.Ş., Kocaeli, Turkey

2Department of Computer Engineering, Düzce University Faculty of Technology, Düzce, Turkey

Pub. Date: April 24, 2017

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Kenan KOÇER and Serdar BİROĞUL. Development of a Mobile and Web Based System for Maintenance & Repair and Asset Management. American Journal of Software Engineering. 2017; 5(1):1-15. doi: 10.12691/ajse-5-1-1


Enterprises (Operations) need IT-based systems in order to carry out repair and maintenance works. To ensure the proper functioning of the repair and maintenance system, it is necessary to obtain and store data on the operations that are carried out. Managers of the enterprise can reduce the cost of repair and maintenance by using the graphics and reports that they can produce with the system with the help of the recorded data. Thanks to maintenance& repair systems, cost and duration of maintenance and downtime are reduced, performance of the personnel is improved and the expected lives of the assets are increased. At the end, enterprises have a stronger position in terms of their future in their respective sectors and increased profitability. In this work, feedback coming from the customer has been reviewed and evaluated to make the maintenance and repair system more complete and compatible with the operations of the companies and institutions. Software has been improved in accordance with feedback taken from the customer. New models have been added. Integrations have been completed; and electronic signature application has been included. Thus, the work has aimed at making the maintenance and repair system, which is designed in line with the needs of the companies, compatible with new developing technologies. New modules have been added by developing new features in accordance with the changing customer demands. With these newly added modules, a user-friendly maintenance & repair system has been designed. Moreover, thanks to the new system, solutions have been developed to problems, which could pose serious challenges to enterprises in repair maintenance, such as cost increases, erroneous planning of resource-work program and increase in downtime due to delays in approval flows.

maintenance & repair system asset management approval flows resource calendar analysis

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