American Journal of Nursing Research
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American Journal of Nursing Research. 2020, 8(4), 471-476
DOI: 10.12691/ajnr-8-4-7
Open AccessArticle

Occupational Hazards among Hospital Laundry Workers at Ismailia City, Egypt

Sara Mohamed Hesham Abd El-Wahed1, , Salwa Abbas Ali2, Heba Al-kotb Mohamed3 and Hanaa Kassem Farg3

1Demonstrator of Family and Community Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Suez Canal University, Egypt

2Family and Community Health Nursing, Zagazig University, Egypt

3Family and Community Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Suez Canal University, Egypt

Pub. Date: June 12, 2020

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Sara Mohamed Hesham Abd El-Wahed, Salwa Abbas Ali, Heba Al-kotb Mohamed and Hanaa Kassem Farg. Occupational Hazards among Hospital Laundry Workers at Ismailia City, Egypt. American Journal of Nursing Research. 2020; 8(4):471-476. doi: 10.12691/ajnr-8-4-7


Background: hospital laundry workers are widely exposed to various occupational hazards due to the unique characteristics of their work environment. Aim of the study: this study aimed to assess occupational hazards among hospital laundry workers at Ismailia city. Design: Descriptive design was utilized in this study. Setting: this study conducted at seven governmental hospitals at Ismailia city. Sample: all hospital laundry workers (159) in the previous settings were included in this study. Tools of data collection: structured interview questionnaire included questions about socio-demographic characteristics and worker’s exposure to different occupational hazards. Results: 95%, 95%, 92.5% and 91.2% of the studied sample reported presence of open sanitary system, inadequate ventilation, contact with contaminated linen and standing for prolonged periods respectively. More than four fifth of the studied sample exposed to heat, falls or trips, noise and vibration (85.5%, 85.5%, 83% and 83% respectively), while 67.9% exposed to needles and sharp objects followed by 54.1% and 53.5% exposed to bleaching agent and detergents respectively. Conclusion: Most of the studied workers exposed to environmental, physical, biological and ergonomic hazards. Recommendations: Develop educational program and training workshops regarding prevention of workplace hazards emphasizing on the use of personal protective equipment and safety practices for body mechanics.

occupational hazards laundry workers hospital laundry

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