American Journal of Nursing Research
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American Journal of Nursing Research. 2019, 7(4), 581-588
DOI: 10.12691/ajnr-7-4-20
Open AccessArticle

Adopting Scenario Based Learning in Critical Care Nursing Education: Students’ Achievement and Feedback

Hanaa Hussein Ahmed1,

1Critical Care and Emergency Nursing Department, Mansoura University, Egypt

Pub. Date: June 04, 2019

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Hanaa Hussein Ahmed. Adopting Scenario Based Learning in Critical Care Nursing Education: Students’ Achievement and Feedback. American Journal of Nursing Research. 2019; 7(4):581-588. doi: 10.12691/ajnr-7-4-20


Scenario based learning (SBL) is up-to-date inventive teaching method that providing directive discussion for nursing students. Effective designed scenarios are considered the corner stone for teachers to integrate learning objectives into nursing students’ learning experience. Many studies reported that is a broad dynamic interactive teaching and learning strategy. It enhances students’ decision making skills and self-learning abilities. Aim: the current study aimed to explore fourth level nursing students’ achievement and feedback about scenario based learning at Faculty of Nursing, Mansoura University. Method: a descriptive research design was used. A total of 251 fourth level nursing students registered in critical care nursing course in the second semester of the academic year 2016-2017 were involved in the study. Two tools were used to collect data for the present study which was developed by the researcher. Tool one “Students’ Achievement Sheet” that involved eight main domains. Tool two is “Students’ Feedback about SBL” which folded 18 statements. Results: The majority of the students analyzed scenarios clearly by discovering the cues and inferences related to the scenario problem with high score ranged from good to excellent (61.25-96.25). Despite around 70% of the students’ perceived SBL as a very stressful learning method, it was exciting and enjoyable (62.7%) for them. Also, most of them (75%) agreed that the teachers were a good guide and facilitator for them. Conclusion: The findings of the current study support the argument that SBL is an effective and dynamic learning method and easy to be conducted. It enhances the nursing students’ skills and learning abilities to bridge the theory-practice gap.

scenario based learning critical care nursing education students’ achievement students’ feedback

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