American Journal of Nursing Research
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American Journal of Nursing Research. 2019, 7(2), 199-207
DOI: 10.12691/ajnr-7-2-12
Open AccessArticle

Effect of an Intervention Program on Improving Knowledge and Self-Care Practices for Diabetic School-age Children

Lamia A. Awad1, Fathia Elsayed Elsayed Elghadban2 and Nadia Ahmed El-Adham3,

1Community Health Department, Faculty of nursing, Mansura University

2Lecturer of Pediatric Nursing Department, Faculty of Nursing Fayoum University

3Lecturer of Community Health Nursing Department, Faculty of nursing Fayoum University

Pub. Date: February 16, 2019

Cite this paper:
Lamia A. Awad, Fathia Elsayed Elsayed Elghadban and Nadia Ahmed El-Adham. Effect of an Intervention Program on Improving Knowledge and Self-Care Practices for Diabetic School-age Children. American Journal of Nursing Research. 2019; 7(2):199-207. doi: 10.12691/ajnr-7-2-12


Background: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is one of the most common endocrine and metabolic conditions in childhood. The aim of the study: to testing the effect of an intervention program on improving the knowledge and self-care practices for diabetic school-age children. Design: The study was conducted using pre/post research design. Setting: study was conducted in six governmental primary and preparatory schools in Mansoura city, Dakahlia Governorate. Sample: A purposive sample of 120 diabetic children and diagnosed as having type I diabetes mellitus (DM) for at least 6 months. Tools: Four tools were used to collect the data for this study, namely a structured interview questionnaire, knowledge assessment and reported self-care practices, an observation checklist, and intervention program. Results: there are clear deficiencies in diabetic schoolchildren’s of their knowledge and the related self-care. Conclusion: after the implementation of a training program there was remarkable improving in their knowledge and practices. Recommendations: The training program should be implemented in settings providing care for diabetic children, with longer follow-up in order to assess its long-term effects.

diabetic school-age children intervention program knowledge and self-care practices

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