American Journal of Nursing Research
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American Journal of Nursing Research. 2019, 7(2), 167-178
DOI: 10.12691/ajnr-7-2-8
Open AccessArticle

Relationship among Nurses 'Locus of Control, Work Motivation Factors, and Their Organizational Commitment

Salwa Ibrahim Mahmoud Kalil1, Ebtesam Saeed Ahmed Abd-Elrhaman1, and Wafaa Mostafa Mohamed Sliman2

1Lecturers of Nursing Administration Department, Faculty of Nursing, Benha University, Egypt

2Lecturer of Nursing Administration Department, Faculty of Nursing, Zagazig University, Egypt

Pub. Date: February 03, 2019

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Salwa Ibrahim Mahmoud Kalil, Ebtesam Saeed Ahmed Abd-Elrhaman and Wafaa Mostafa Mohamed Sliman. Relationship among Nurses 'Locus of Control, Work Motivation Factors, and Their Organizational Commitment. American Journal of Nursing Research. 2019; 7(2):167-178. doi: 10.12691/ajnr-7-2-8


Locus of control is an important variable that affects every area of human endeavor as describing individual differences and predicting behavior in organizational settings. Also, it is viewed as an important element for work motivation which determines the level of organizational commitment. Organization commitment is a critical factor to organizational success, effectiveness and efficiency. A high level of motivated and committed nurses in an organization can have beneficial consequences, resulting in lower absenteeism, higher performance and lower nurses' turnover. Aim: The present study aimed to investigate the relationship among nurses' locus of control, wok motivation factors, and their organizational commitment. Research Design: A descriptive correlational design was utilized. Study Setting: the study was conducted in all in patient units at Benha Teaching Hospital. The study sample was: A convenience sample of staff nurses (129) who are working in the above mentioned study setting. Tools of data collection: Three tools were used: (1) the Rotter’s internal-external (I-E) locus of control scale, (2) Wok motivation factors questionnaire, and (3) staff nurses’ organizational commitment questionnaire. The result: The findings of this study showed that the highest percentage of studied staff nurses' (57.6%) had internal locus of control, while the lowest percentage of them (15%) had external locus of control. And, the majority of the staff nurses (79.9%) had high perception level regarding work motivation factors. Also, more than three fifth of staff nurses (63.3%) had moderate level of organizational commitment. Conclusion: The study concluded that there was a positive highly statistical significant correlation between overall score of locus of control, work motivation factors and organizational commitment for nurses. Also, there was a positive highly statistical significant correlation between staff nurses`locus of control, work motivation factors, and organizational commitment in relation to years of experience, and education qualification during study. Recommendation: it recommended that, hospital should carry out continuous in–service training program for enhancing nurses` locus of control, and the hospital administrators should pay more attention to create innovative methods and promotion to increase nurses' organizational commitment and maintain good work motivation.

nurses locus of control work motivation and organizational commitment

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