American Journal of Numerical Analysis
ISSN (Print): 2372-2118 ISSN (Online): 2372-2126 Website: Editor-in-chief: Emanuele Galligani
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American Journal of Numerical Analysis. 2023, 7(1), 1-8
DOI: 10.12691/ajna-7-1-1
Open AccessArticle

Cascadic Tensor Multigrid Method and Economic Cascadic Tensor Multigrid Method for Image Restoration Problems

Ziqi Yan1, Chenliang Li1, and Yuhan Chen1

1School of Mathematics and Computating Science, Center for Applied Mathematics of Guangxi (GUET), Guilin University of Electronics Technology, Guilin 541004, China

Pub. Date: October 29, 2023

Cite this paper:
Ziqi Yan, Chenliang Li and Yuhan Chen. Cascadic Tensor Multigrid Method and Economic Cascadic Tensor Multigrid Method for Image Restoration Problems. American Journal of Numerical Analysis. 2023; 7(1):1-8. doi: 10.12691/ajna-7-1-1


A cascadic tensor multigrid method and an economic cascadic tensor multigrid method is presented for solving the image restoration models. The methods use quadratic interpolation as prolongation operator to provide more accurate initial values for the next fine grid level, and constructs a preserving-edge-denoising operator to obtain better edges and remove noise. The experimental results show that the new methods not only improves computational efficiency but also achieve better restoration quality.

Image restoration Cascadic tensor multigrid methods Prolongation operator Preserving-edge-denoising operator

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