American Journal of Medical Sciences and Medicine
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American Journal of Medical Sciences and Medicine. 2015, 3(1), 8-10
DOI: 10.12691/ajmsm-3-1-3
Open AccessCommentary

A Short Comment to Ten Reports: Possible “Keys” of TCR VΒ Exist in the Peripheral Blood of Patients with Leukemia

Jianwei Zhou1, , Yinfeng Jia1, Li Wang2 and Cui Kong3

1Clinical Laboratory, Affiliated Hospital of Jining Medical College, Jining, PR China

2Department of Pharmacology, the First People’s Hospital of Jining City, Jining, PR China

3Nursing Department, Affiliated Hospital of Jining Medical College, Jining, PR China

Pub. Date: March 17, 2015

Cite this paper:
Jianwei Zhou, Yinfeng Jia, Li Wang and Cui Kong. A Short Comment to Ten Reports: Possible “Keys” of TCR VΒ Exist in the Peripheral Blood of Patients with Leukemia. American Journal of Medical Sciences and Medicine. 2015; 3(1):8-10. doi: 10.12691/ajmsm-3-1-3


In this paper, we reanalyzed the data of ten reports related to variable region of beta chain (Vβ) of T cell receptors (TCR) of patients with leukemia, and attempted to further find their respective characters from a different point of view. In the results, we found that there were different predominant usages of TCR Vβ gene families. According the predominant usage frequencies (PUFs) of TCR Vβ, the histograms were drawn and analyzed. The columns of different heights represented the PUFs of TCR Vβ gene families. The combination of the columns looked like a key, and every column was as same as the kit of the key. The kits were different in different leukemia. In our opinions, the key probably represented the total characterization of TCR Vβ for the patients with leukemia, and these results maybe pose a new idea for analyzing the skewness of TCR for the researchers of the relative study field.

Leukemia key peripheral blood short comment T cell receptor

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