American Journal of Medical Sciences and Medicine
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American Journal of Medical Sciences and Medicine. 2014, 2(2), 41-43
DOI: 10.12691/ajmsm-2-2-3
Open AccessArticle

Coagulation Activities of Patients on Psychotropic Drugs in Nigeria

Afolabi O.I1, Adedire O.A2, Oke O.T2, Omisakin C.T3, and Esan A.J3

1Deparment of Medical Laboratory Services, General Hospital, Oke-Imesi Ekiti, Nigeria

2Department of Haematology and Blood Transfusion, Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospital, Ile – Ife Nigeria

3Department of Haematology and Blood Transfusion, Federal Medical Centre, Ido – Ekiti, Nigeria

Pub. Date: March 30, 2014

Cite this paper:
Afolabi O.I, Adedire O.A, Oke O.T, Omisakin C.T and Esan A.J. Coagulation Activities of Patients on Psychotropic Drugs in Nigeria. American Journal of Medical Sciences and Medicine. 2014; 2(2):41-43. doi: 10.12691/ajmsm-2-2-3


The study is being aimed to assess Prothrombin Time and Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time activity in patients on psychotropic drugs. Fifty (50) samples were used, Forty (40) are from the patients on psychotropic drugs while ten (10) are apparently healthy individual that serves as control. The results obtained showed thatPT and APTT of the test subject have a mean value of 26.01 ± 11.04 in compared with the control subject showed a mean value 11.80 ± 1.3. While the result obtained from APTT test subject showed a mean value of 36.70 ± 17.00 compared with the control subject that have a mean value of 36.7.0 ± 3.81. When these results were compared statistically significant difference were observed P<0.01 which indicate a state of prolongation in PT and APTT.

prothrombin psychotropic drugs thromboplastin

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