American Journal of Materials Science and Engineering
ISSN (Print): 2333-4665 ISSN (Online): 2333-4673 Website: Editor-in-chief: Dr. SRINIVASA VENKATESHAPPA CHIKKOL
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American Journal of Materials Science and Engineering. 2018, 6(2), 43-48
DOI: 10.12691/ajmse-6-2-4
Open AccessArticle

Comparative Study of the Influence of Antireflective Coatings and Transparent Oxides on a CdS/CdTe Solar Cell

Oumar A. Niasse1, , Alassane Diaw1, Mamadou Niane1, Nacire Mbengue1, M. A. Tankhari2, P. Olivier2 and B. BA1

1Laboratory of Semiconductors and Solar Energy, Faculty of Sciences and Technologies, University Cheikh Anta Diop of Dakar, Sénégal

2University Paris-Creteil, Centre for Studies and Research in Thermal, Environment and Systems (CERTES EA 3481), Paris, France

Pub. Date: December 04, 2018

Cite this paper:
Oumar A. Niasse, Alassane Diaw, Mamadou Niane, Nacire Mbengue, M. A. Tankhari, P. Olivier and B. BA. Comparative Study of the Influence of Antireflective Coatings and Transparent Oxides on a CdS/CdTe Solar Cell. American Journal of Materials Science and Engineering. 2018; 6(2):43-48. doi: 10.12691/ajmse-6-2-4


In this paper, we have studied the transparent oxide antireflective effects coatings on solar cell transmission at the n-CdS/p-CdTe heterojunction. We start from the results obtained on the determination of the optical constants by the dielectric function model which takes into account the contribution of the intermediate states. Thus, the transmission is studied to function to epitaxial layers thicknesses of cadmium sulphide CdS and transparent oxide ITO. Our results are compared with those of others authors for different calculation models. Thus, the study is extended to other transparent oxides such as Nb2O5 and Ta2O5 and to observe the effective influence on the quantum yield of the CdS/CdTe photocell. A table linking the transmission and the reflectivity of its various oxides as function to the thickness could thus be established.

transmission reflection quantum efficient solar cells heterojunction cadmium telluride cadmium sulfide

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