American Journal of Microbiological Research
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American Journal of Microbiological Research. 2018, 6(5), 187-190
DOI: 10.12691/ajmr-6-5-1
Open AccessArticle

Occurrence of Microbial Loads in Smoked Fishes Marketed in the Lakeside Village of Guezin (Southern Benin) and Associated Microbiological Hazards

René G. Dègnon1, Brice Atrevy1, , Euloge S. Adjou1, Edwige Ahoussi1 and Mohamed M. Soumanou1

1Laboratory of Research and Study in Applied Chemistry, Polytechnic School of Abomey-Calavi, University of Abomey-Calavi, 01 P.O.B: 2009 Cotonou, Bénin

Pub. Date: December 03, 2018

Cite this paper:
René G. Dègnon, Brice Atrevy, Euloge S. Adjou, Edwige Ahoussi and Mohamed M. Soumanou. Occurrence of Microbial Loads in Smoked Fishes Marketed in the Lakeside Village of Guezin (Southern Benin) and Associated Microbiological Hazards. American Journal of Microbiological Research. 2018; 6(5):187-190. doi: 10.12691/ajmr-6-5-1


Fish is highly nutritious with high protein content. However, it is a suitable medium for growth of microorganisms, if poorly processed. This study reports the occurrence of microbial loads in smoked fishes marketed in the lakeside village of Guezin (Southern Benin) and associated microbiological hazards. The results obtained indicated that the fish smoking activity in the lakeside village, is exclusively done by women (100%), in households and an informal situation, using traditional equipment. A total of thirteen species of fish, such as Manta birostris, Marcusenius Senegalensis, Liza falcipinis, Hydrocynus brebis, Elops lacerta valvercienne, Silurus linnaeus, Silurus glanis, Arius africanus, Heterotis niloticus, Strongylura senegalensis valenciennes, Ethmalosa finbriata, Gymnocranius griseus and Ameiurus melas are mostly smoked in this area. Microbial loads determined by using standard microbiological procedures, underlined the contamination of smoked fishes by microorganisms, with a high occurrence of Aspergillus strains (83.31%). This occurrence of fungi species could be due to absorption of moisture during storage, which could supported the growth of the microorganisms, in addition to the contamination during processing, handling and display on the market stall. It is then recommended that fish processors should ensure that fish products are properly hot smoked and dried so as to prevent fungal growth and mycological hazards.

smoked fishes lakeside village microbial loads mycological hazards Benin

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