American Journal of Microbiological Research
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American Journal of Microbiological Research. 2016, 4(5), 138-142
DOI: 10.12691/ajmr-4-5-2
Open AccessArticle

Identification of Microbial Contamination of Popular Fruits of Bangladesh and Assessment the Effects of Alternative Preservatives Instead of Formalin

Tasnuva Akhtar1, M. Rowfur Rahman1, Sumita Biswas1, Rasheda Perveen2, M. Shah Alam1, Farida Adib Khanum2, M. Amirul Islam3, Shahangir Biswas4, Chaman Ara Keya5 and M. Manirujjaman2,

1Department of Microbiology, Gono University, Dhaka, Bangladesh

2Department of Biochemistry, Gonoshasthaya Samaj Vittik Medical College and Hospital, Gono University, Dhaka, Bangladesh

3Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi-6205, Bangladesh

4Department of Systems Neurophysiology, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Tokyo, Japan

5Department of Biology and Chemistry, North South University, Bangladesh

Pub. Date: September 05, 2016

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Tasnuva Akhtar, M. Rowfur Rahman, Sumita Biswas, Rasheda Perveen, M. Shah Alam, Farida Adib Khanum, M. Amirul Islam, Shahangir Biswas, Chaman Ara Keya and M. Manirujjaman. Identification of Microbial Contamination of Popular Fruits of Bangladesh and Assessment the Effects of Alternative Preservatives Instead of Formalin. American Journal of Microbiological Research. 2016; 4(5):138-142. doi: 10.12691/ajmr-4-5-2


The demand of fresh fruits is increasing as consumers are striving to eat healthy diets. Most of the fruits are generally eaten without further processing. During growth, harvest, transportation and handling, fruits become contaminated with pathogens from human or animal source. The study was aimed to isolate, identify the fruit surface microorganisms and to determine the microbial growth inhibitory effects of formalin, vinegar and salt. The fruits were washed with distilled water, vinegar, formalin and salt solution. These effluents were used as the sources of microbes. Results indicated the following bacterial growth pattern: Klebsiella pneumoniae (25%), Escherichia coli (21%), Serratia marcescens (12.5 %), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (17%), Bacillus cereus (16.5%) and Staphylococcus aureus (8%). Most of these isolated microorganisms are pathogenic to human. Due to increasing complications and health hazards for chemically synthesized preservative, consumers expect to get wholesome, fresh-like, and safe foods without addition of toxic preservatives (like formalin). A weak acid named acetic acid (vinegar) can be used to effectively reduce pathogenic and spoilage microorganisms present on fruit surfaces. From the study it might be concluded that the use of chemical decontaminants like vinegar (acetic acid) or salt might be an effective way to reduce the microbial load on fruit surfaces.

fruits formalin escherichia coli

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