American Journal of Mechanical Engineering
ISSN (Print): 2328-4102 ISSN (Online): 2328-4110 Website: Editor-in-chief: Kambiz Ebrahimi, Dr. SRINIVASA VENKATESHAPPA CHIKKOL
Open Access
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American Journal of Mechanical Engineering. 2018, 6(1), 6-16
DOI: 10.12691/ajme-6-1-2
Open AccessArticle

Electric Bicycle Seatpost

Scott Marino1, Philippe Kabenla1, Chris Grey1 and Sam Herens1,

1Doctor Salman, United States

Pub. Date: January 16, 2018

Cite this paper:
Scott Marino, Philippe Kabenla, Chris Grey and Sam Herens. Electric Bicycle Seatpost. American Journal of Mechanical Engineering. 2018; 6(1):6-16. doi: 10.12691/ajme-6-1-2


A bicycle seat is supposed to be designed for the safety and comfort of the rider. A rider may rest by sitting on the seat during longer, harder rides or simply to relax on a leisurely ride through the park. However, the height of the seat can determine how much safety and comfort are actually provided to the rider. A seat that is too high or too low can affect the ability of the rider to operate the bike safely as well as cause undue stress on the rider’s joints. There is a need for an effective and efficient way of adjusting the seat height on a bicycle. A simple push button system that can raise and lower the seat at will would allow riders to adjust their seat to meet their individual height and riding style needs. This can be accomplished by implanting a motor inside the seatpost of a bike that will raise and lower the post through a series of turning gears. A control system mounted to the handlebars would allow riders to adjust their seat on the fly, negating the need to dismount and physically struggle with tools to manually adjust the seat thus increasing the amount of enjoyment the rider gets from their outing. Through easy adjustment of the seat, more riders would adjust their seats regularly and be able to ride in the proper seat position. This in turn would increase rider safety and reduce the number of cycling related joint injuries.

worm gear worm screw worm shaft bicycle seatpost

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