American Journal of Mechanical Engineering
ISSN (Print): 2328-4102 ISSN (Online): 2328-4110 Website: Editor-in-chief: Kambiz Ebrahimi, Dr. SRINIVASA VENKATESHAPPA CHIKKOL
Open Access
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American Journal of Mechanical Engineering. 2016, 4(7), 271-274
DOI: 10.12691/ajme-4-7-8
Open AccessSpecial Issue

Design of Dynamic Model of Mechanisms with Serial Kinematic Structure

Ivan Virgala1, , Michal Kelemen1, Alexander Gmiterko1 and Tomáš Lipták1

1Department of Mechatronics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering / Technical University of Košice, Košice, Slovakia

Pub. Date: December 17, 2016

Cite this paper:
Ivan Virgala, Michal Kelemen, Alexander Gmiterko and Tomáš Lipták. Design of Dynamic Model of Mechanisms with Serial Kinematic Structure. American Journal of Mechanical Engineering. 2016; 4(7):271-274. doi: 10.12691/ajme-4-7-8


The paper deals with modeling of dynamic model for mechanisms with serial kinematic structure. In the paper one of two basic methods for dynamic modeling is introduced, namely Euler – Lagrange method. The method is based on kinetic and potential energy of mechanism. The process of dynamic modeling analytically is very difficult task especially for kinematically redundant mechanisms. The aim of the paper is to show how can be the process of dynamic modeling automated by suitable algorithm programmed in software Matlab. The paper also show how the computing time increases in dependence on increasing number of mechanism links. This relation is expressed by polynomial function of 3rd order. At the end of the paper the demonstration of automatically generated inverse dynamic model is shown in cooperation with inverse kinematic model as well as trajectory planning task.

computing time dynamic model Euler – Lagrange redundant mechanism

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