American Journal of Mechanical Engineering
ISSN (Print): 2328-4102 ISSN (Online): 2328-4110 Website: Editor-in-chief: Kambiz Ebrahimi, Dr. SRINIVASA VENKATESHAPPA CHIKKOL
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American Journal of Mechanical Engineering. 2014, 2(3), 93-98
DOI: 10.12691/ajme-2-3-6
Open AccessArticle

Optimal Design of Feeder for Sand Casted Steel Dumbbell: Simulation Studies for Techno-Economic Feasibility

Haider Hussain1, and A. I. Khandwawala2

1Research Scholar, Bhagwant University Ajmer (Rajasthan), India

2Ex. Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, SGSITS, Indore, India

Pub. Date: July 27, 2014

Cite this paper:
Haider Hussain and A. I. Khandwawala. Optimal Design of Feeder for Sand Casted Steel Dumbbell: Simulation Studies for Techno-Economic Feasibility. American Journal of Mechanical Engineering. 2014; 2(3):93-98. doi: 10.12691/ajme-2-3-6


In the casting technology, defect free casting had been the primary goal since the inception of the technology. However in the present casting arena, emphasis on the precise and defect free casting has got greatly increased due to energy saving, environmental and economy considerations apart from the stringent product quality standard requirements. In order to achieve this level, computer simulation is inevitably necessary. FEM based simulation software is used to find solidification related defects specially shrinkage porosity very precisely. In the present work ANSYS, an FEM based versatile software has been used for hot spots identification in a two feeder system. The feeders have been designed and optimized. ANSYS has been used for transient thermal analysis and then optimization process has been performed. Path of two feeder optimization for steel sand casting on ANSYS have been searched. Conductive and convective heat transfer has been taken in to consideration. The whole process is performed using traditional modulus approach also. The results are compared. The comparison reveals that ANSYS optimizer provides better results for casting having two feeders. It saves material and energy thus resulting into economy and environmental benefits too. Hence it may be recommended as superior over modulus approach for two feeder system in sand casting.

feeder design optimization FEM modulus approach sand casting shrinkage porosity steel

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