American Journal of Medical Case Reports
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American Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2016, 4(11), 354-356
DOI: 10.12691/ajmcr-4-11-1
Open AccessCase Report

Precocious Puberty Associated with an Adrenal Tumor: A Case Report

Rajkumar M. Meshram1, , Swapnil Bhongade1, Swapna Patil1, Bibhishan Jadhav1 and Payal Laddha1

1Department of Paediatrics, Government Medical College, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India

Pub. Date: November 30, 2016

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Rajkumar M. Meshram, Swapnil Bhongade, Swapna Patil, Bibhishan Jadhav and Payal Laddha. Precocious Puberty Associated with an Adrenal Tumor: A Case Report. American Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2016; 4(11):354-356. doi: 10.12691/ajmcr-4-11-1


Precocious puberty is a common complaint in pediatric medicine these days with numerous causative factors. Though adrenocortical tumors are extremely rare in children, the differential diagnosis is broad with androgen producing adrenal adenoma. Pediatric adrenocortical tumors are therapeutic and diagnostic challenges because histological criteria for distinguishing benign from malignant tumors seen in adult are not always reliable in children. Here, we report a 2 year old toddler with precocious puberty with hyperglucocortism and hypertension. His plasma testosterone, dehydroepiandrosrerone and cortisol were elevated. An abdominal MRI and CT scan identified well defined left –sided adrenal mass. Left adrenalectomy was performed and histopathological examination revealed adrenal adenoma. This case emphasizes the importance of early consideration of an adrenocortical tumor causing precocious puberty in toddler.

adrenal tumor adrenocortical carcinoma precocious puberty virilization

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