American Journal of Medical Case Reports
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American Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2016, 4(2), 71-73
DOI: 10.12691/ajmcr-4-2-10
Open AccessCase Report

Reactive Solitary Eccrine Syringofibroadenoma: A Very Rare Adnexal Tumour of Skin

Anup Kumar Tiwary1, , Firdous Jahan1, Dharmendra Kumar Mishra1 and S.S. Chaudhary1

1Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprosy, Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences, Ranchi, India

Pub. Date: March 23, 2016

Cite this paper:
Anup Kumar Tiwary, Firdous Jahan, Dharmendra Kumar Mishra and S.S. Chaudhary. Reactive Solitary Eccrine Syringofibroadenoma: A Very Rare Adnexal Tumour of Skin. American Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2016; 4(2):71-73. doi: 10.12691/ajmcr-4-2-10


Eccrine syringofibroadenoma (ESFA) is a very rare benign tumour of intraepidermal part (acrosyringium) of eccrine sweat duct. Based on the evidence of known aetiological factors, two forms have been proposed: reactive ESFA and non-reactive ESFA. Rarely, non-reactive forms have been seen to be associated with ectodermal dysplasia. Reactive type has been considered as hyperplastic or hamartomatous response to many inflammatory and neoplastic dermatoses. Owing to its clinical similarity with other chronic dermatoses like deep mycoses, squamous cell carcinoma, diabetic foot ulcer or leprous neuropathic ulcer, it may remain misdiagnosed. Distinctive histopathological features with or without immunostaining usually confirm the diagnosis. ESFA is a very rare entity as to the best of my knowledge, only around 50 cases have been reported all over the world till date. Herein we report a case of reactive solitary ESFA on the right foot in a 65 years old male.

acrosyringium eccrine syringofibroadenoma ectodermal dysplasia hamartomatous

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