American Journal of Medical Case Reports
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American Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2020, 8(9), 277-280
DOI: 10.12691/ajmcr-8-9-6
Open AccessArticle

Dilated Psoriatic Coronopathy: A Novel Association

Yuvraj Singh Chowdhury1, Rishard Abdul1, Pramod Theetha Kariyanna1, Apoorva Jayarangaiah2, Mrinali Shetty3, Clara Wilson1, Naureen Kabani1, Jonathan D. Marmur1, Alan Feit1, Moro O. Salifu1 and Isabel M. McFarlane1,

1Department of Internal Medicine, State University of New York, Downstate Health Sciences University, Brooklyn, N.Y, USA - 11203

2Department of Internal Medicine, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, NYC + HHC Jacobi Medical Center, 1400 Pelham Pkwy S, Bronx, NY, USA- 10461

3Division of Cardiovascular Disease and Department of Internal Medicine, University of Chicago- Northshore University Health Systems, Chicago, IL, USA - 60631

Pub. Date: May 29, 2020

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Yuvraj Singh Chowdhury, Rishard Abdul, Pramod Theetha Kariyanna, Apoorva Jayarangaiah, Mrinali Shetty, Clara Wilson, Naureen Kabani, Jonathan D. Marmur, Alan Feit, Moro O. Salifu and Isabel M. McFarlane. Dilated Psoriatic Coronopathy: A Novel Association. American Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2020; 8(9):277-280. doi: 10.12691/ajmcr-8-9-6


Coronary artery ectasia (CAE) is defined by the Coronary Artery Surgery Study (CASS) registry as the aneurysmal dilatation 1.5 times the diameter of a coronary artery compared to the adjacent normal coronary artery. CAE is reported with a prevalence of 1.2% - 4.9%. Most CAEs are attributed to atherosclerosis or post-percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) vessel injury. Vasculitides and infection are uncommon etiologies. A review of 59,423 patients from the Danish registry demonstrated a 3-fold increase in the prevalence of abdominal aortic aneurysms in patients with concomitant severe psoriasis. We present a case of a 64-year-old male with severe plaque psoriasis complaining of substernal chest pain whose coronary angiography demonstrated CAE of the left anterior descending and circumflex arteries. Due to its pro-inflammatory state, psoriasis is associated with various systemic manifestations including cardiac and vascular complications. With possibly a similar underlying pathophysiological mechanism, we describe to the best of our knowledge the first case of CAE in a patient with severe psoriasis.

coronary artery ectasia psoriasis inflammation atherosclerosis abdominal anerurysms

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