American Journal of Medical and Biological Research
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American Journal of Medical and Biological Research. 2020, 8(1), 12-16
DOI: 10.12691/ajmbr-8-1-2
Open AccessReview Article

Cross-linked versus Natural Collagen Membrane for Guided Bone Regeneration? A Literature Review

Adel Bouguezzi1, 2, , Aymen Debibi1, 2, Abdellatif Chokri1, 2, Sameh Sioud1, 2, Hajer Hentati1, 2 and Jemil Selmi1, 2

1University of Monastir, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Oral Health and Oro-Facial Rehabilitation Laboratory Research (LR12ES11), Monastir, Tunisia

2Dental Clinic of Monastir, Department of Medicine and Oral Surgery, Monastir, Tunisia

Pub. Date: July 02, 2020

Cite this paper:
Adel Bouguezzi, Aymen Debibi, Abdellatif Chokri, Sameh Sioud, Hajer Hentati and Jemil Selmi. Cross-linked versus Natural Collagen Membrane for Guided Bone Regeneration? A Literature Review. American Journal of Medical and Biological Research. 2020; 8(1):12-16. doi: 10.12691/ajmbr-8-1-2


Guided bone regeneration (GBR), a method which originates from guided tissue regeneration (GTR), is based on a concept of dividing bone from soft tissue, preventing apical migration of the gingival epithelial and connective tissue inside the defect with a membrane as a barrier which favorites proliferation of regeneration potent cells and their differentiation in the desired tissue type. Depending on the reaction to their biological surroundings, membranes can be grouped as non-resorbable and resorbable. Due to biological degradation, resorbable membranes induce tissue response, which may negatively impact wound healing and disturb regeneration. The aim of this study is to provide a review on the performance and the main outcomes of two different types of collagen membranes (Native Vs cross linked) used in conjunction with GBR in order to gain awareness of the limits and to be able to choose the right membrane required by the clinical condition.

guided bone regeneration membrane collagen cross-linked

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