American Journal of Infectious Diseases and Microbiology
ISSN (Print): 2328-4056 ISSN (Online): 2328-4064 Website: Editor-in-chief: Maysaa El Sayed Zaki
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American Journal of Infectious Diseases and Microbiology. 2021, 9(1), 1-3
DOI: 10.12691/ajidm-9-1-1
Open AccessCase Report

Tick-borne Encephalitis in a 29-Year-Old Returning Traveller

Abolaji Atomode1, , Hassan Haruna1, Odega Emmanuel2, Mayode Ajiboye1, Sarah Mohammed1 and Joseph Ogwuche Onah3

1Department of Medicine, James Paget University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Norfolk, UK

2Department of Medicine, Morriston Hospital, Swansea, UK

3Department of Medicine, Royal Gwent Hospital, Newport, South Wales, UK

Pub. Date: January 18, 2021

Cite this paper:
Abolaji Atomode, Hassan Haruna, Odega Emmanuel, Mayode Ajiboye, Sarah Mohammed and Joseph Ogwuche Onah. Tick-borne Encephalitis in a 29-Year-Old Returning Traveller. American Journal of Infectious Diseases and Microbiology. 2021; 9(1):1-3. doi: 10.12691/ajidm-9-1-1


Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) is a central nervous system (CNS) disease with high morbidity and mortality caused by a flavivirus and usually transmitted to humans via the bite of an infected Ixodes ricinus tick. It is endemic to central Europe, Germany inclusive. Until 2019, the causative agent, TBE virus, was not considered to occur in the UK. However, with the increase in tourism TBE is becoming a problem also outside endemic regions. It has a varied clinical manifestation ranging from mild symptoms to potentially life-threatening meningoencephalitis or meningoencephalomyelitis. Its diagnosis relies on high index of clinical suspicion and supported by the demonstration of specific IgM- and IgG-serum antibodies by ELISA. Management is largely supportive. We present a unique case of tick-borne encephalitis in a young traveller returning from an endemic region to the UK, managed appropriately with no residual complications.

Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) Borrelia spp. Ixodes spp Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)

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