American Journal of Hypertension Research
ISSN (Print): ISSN Pending ISSN (Online): ISSN Pending Website: Editor-in-chief: Vasilios Kotsis
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American Journal of Hypertension Research. 2013, 1(1), 13-16
DOI: 10.12691/ajhr-1-1-3
Open AccessArticle

Refractory Hypokalemia, Endocrine Hypertension, and the Role of Primary Hyperaldosteronism: A Case Report

Luljeta Çakërri1, Elira Myrtaj2, Florian Toti2 and Gentian Vyshka1,

1Biomedical and Experimental Department, Faculty of Medicine, University of Medicine in Tirana, Albania

2Service of Endocrinology, University Hospital Center “Mother Theresa”, Tirana, Albania

Pub. Date: October 22, 2013

Cite this paper:
Luljeta Çakërri, Elira Myrtaj, Florian Toti and Gentian Vyshka. Refractory Hypokalemia, Endocrine Hypertension, and the Role of Primary Hyperaldosteronism: A Case Report. American Journal of Hypertension Research. 2013; 1(1):13-16. doi: 10.12691/ajhr-1-1-3


The case of an Albanian patient is reported, with bilateral adrenal hyperplasia diagnosed after a condition of persistent hypokalemia, in spite of continuous and adequate potassium administration. The patient, a Caucasian male of middle age, was suffering from diabetes, hypertension and angina pectoris, and admitted in a University Hospital Facility due to an unexplained confusional state. U waves were registered in the electrocardiography, and abdominal imaging was suggestive of adrenal hyperplasia. His plasmatic levels of potassium started to improve and became normal only after a therapy with potassium sparing diuretic, in our case with spironolactone. The administration of this type of drug has been widely advocated even for diagnostic purposes, when an unexplained condition of hypokalemia persists. Our case suggests that in lack of obvious causes of hypokalemia, suspicions on the existence of a primary hyperaldosteronism should be formulated, and investigations or therapeutic interventions have to be purposefully shaped.

primary hyperaldosteronism hypokalemia spironolactone adrenal gland hyperplasia

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