American Journal of Energy Research
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American Journal of Energy Research. 2017, 5(2), 35-40
DOI: 10.12691/ajer-5-2-2
Open AccessArticle

Numerical and Experimental Investigation of a Brushless Motor Test Bench Equipped with a X5C-02 Propeller

Saoussane Gouiaa1, Ameni Mehdi1, Zied Driss1, , Bilel Ben Amira1 and Mohamed Salah Abid1

1Laboratory of Electro-Mechanic Systems (LASEM), National School of Engineers of Sfax (ENIS), University of Sfax (US), B.P. 1173, Road Soukra km 3.5, 3038 Sfax, TUNISIA

Pub. Date: May 15, 2017

Cite this paper:
Saoussane Gouiaa, Ameni Mehdi, Zied Driss, Bilel Ben Amira and Mohamed Salah Abid. Numerical and Experimental Investigation of a Brushless Motor Test Bench Equipped with a X5C-02 Propeller. American Journal of Energy Research. 2017; 5(2):35-40. doi: 10.12691/ajer-5-2-2


In this paper, a computer simulation has been done to study the aerodynamic structure around a X5C-02 main blades propeller. The numerical model is based on the resolution of the Navier-Stokes equations with a standard k-ε model. The local characteristics are determined using the software “Solidworks Flow Simulation”. The software gives us the opportunity to extract the global result of this system which is the force of the thrust. The validation of this result has been done using an experimental protocol designed in the laboratory named brushless motor test bench. In this paper, we have described the experimental set up and we have compared it with the numerical curve using two meshes.

computer simulation X5C-02 propeller aerodynamic structure validation with experiments brushless motor test bench

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