American Journal of Energy Research
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American Journal of Energy Research. 2014, 2(3), 67-73
DOI: 10.12691/ajer-2-3-4
Open AccessArticle

PIV Measurements to Study the Effect of the Reynolds Number on the Hydrodynamic Structure in a Baffled Vessel Stirred by a Rushton Turbine

Zied Driss1, , Ahmed Kaffel1, Bilel Ben Amira1, Ghazi Bouzgarrou1 and Mohamed Salah Abid1

1Laboratory of Electro-Mechanic Systems (LASEM), National School of Engineers of Sfax (ENIS), University of Sfax (US), Tunisia

Pub. Date: July 15, 2014

Cite this paper:
Zied Driss, Ahmed Kaffel, Bilel Ben Amira, Ghazi Bouzgarrou and Mohamed Salah Abid. PIV Measurements to Study the Effect of the Reynolds Number on the Hydrodynamic Structure in a Baffled Vessel Stirred by a Rushton Turbine. American Journal of Energy Research. 2014; 2(3):67-73. doi: 10.12691/ajer-2-3-4


Turbulent flow inside a cylindrical baffled stirred vessel is studied experimentally for different Reynolds numbers. A set of speed was selected ranging from 100 rpm to 350 rpm. These speeds gave high turbulence but without significant surface vortex formation. Vector field’s maps and contours of time averaged velocities, for both radial and axial components in the impeller stream of a vessel stirred by a Rushton turbine, were determined by means of 2D PIV technique. This study reveals the importance of choosing the whole flow field of the entire vessel in order to provide comprehensive understanding of the flow pattern and mixing conditions which is essential for reliable design.

PIV Reynolds number Rushton turbine baffled vessel turbulent flow hydrodynamic

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