American Journal of Energy Research
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American Journal of Energy Research. 2024, 12(2), 33-39
DOI: 10.12691/ajer-12-2-1
Open AccessArticle

PV-Wind Hybrid System Optimization Using Improved Fuzzy Logic Control

Boubacar Sidiki Kanté1, , Mamadou Dansoko2, Fadaba Danioko2, Bourema S. Traore3, Moussa Sangare2, Abdramane Ba3 and Mamadou Lamine Doumbia4

1Hybrid Renewable Energy Laboratory (HREL), Physics Department, USTTB-FST, B.P. E 3206 Bamako, Mali

2Computing of Modellings and Simulations center (CMSC), Physics Department, USTTB-FST, B.P. E 3206 Bamako, Mali

3Laboratory of Optics, Spectroscopy and the Atmospheric Sciences (LOSSA), Physics Department, USTTB- FST, B.P. E 3206, Bamako, Mali.

4Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University du Quebec à Trois rivieres C.P 500

Pub. Date: June 18, 2024

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Boubacar Sidiki Kanté, Mamadou Dansoko, Fadaba Danioko, Bourema S. Traore, Moussa Sangare, Abdramane Ba and Mamadou Lamine Doumbia. PV-Wind Hybrid System Optimization Using Improved Fuzzy Logic Control. American Journal of Energy Research. 2024; 12(2):33-39. doi: 10.12691/ajer-12-2-1


Renewable energy production sources became very attractive in recent years due to environmental problems and their enormous potential. Many studies have been done on these systems alone and combined operation. Among these combined systems, a particular attention is made on the combined PV-Wind system in the literature due to the great sources complementarity and the resource availability in tropical countries as in Mali. Nowadays, PV-Wind system hybridization is an alternative solution to traditional and nuclear energy sources which are the most used to cover the worldwide energy consumption. This system represents an economic and environmental option. Their complementarity improves the service quality compared to PV or wind power single system. A maximum power point tracking controller is required for the electrical power generation profitability. This controller must take into account the sources of intermittent nature and the random variations of climatic parameters. The fuzzy logic controller operates with imprecise input values and can deal with nonlinear equations. This paper presents energy sources modeling and simulation results on fuzzy logic improving (FLI) for hybrid PV-Wind system power optimization. Firstly, a model of each generator is developed and the fuzzy logic rules are defined. Secondly, these models are designed under Matlab/Simulink in order to study their behavior in simulation. Finally, a comparative study is realized between the proposed control and the fuzzy logic controller (FLC) using a fixed gain. The obtained results show the proposed method effectiveness compared to FLC in terms of power optimization and oscillations damping after perturbation.

hybrid system renewable energy simulation fuzzy logic optimization

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