American Journal of Energy Research
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American Journal of Energy Research. 2014, 2(1), 1-8
DOI: 10.12691/ajer-2-1-1
Open AccessArticle

Battery Monitoring and Power Management for Automotive Systems

Anila Thyagarajan1, , R. Raja Prabu1 and G. Uma1

1B.S Abdur Rahman University, India

Pub. Date: February 08, 2014

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Anila Thyagarajan, R. Raja Prabu and G. Uma. Battery Monitoring and Power Management for Automotive Systems. American Journal of Energy Research. 2014; 2(1):1-8. doi: 10.12691/ajer-2-1-1


New vehicle electric systems are promoted by the needs of fuel economy and ecology as well as by new functions for the improvement of safety and comfort, reliability, and the availability of the vehicle. Electrically controlled and powered systems for braking, steering and stabilization need a reliable supply of electrical energy. The planned generation of electrical energy (only when it is economically beneficial meaningful), an adequate storage, and thrifty energy housekeeping with an intelligent integration of the battery as the storage medium into the overall concept of the vehicle Energy Management, and early detection of possible restrictions of reliability by Battery Monitoring allows for actions by the Energy Management well in advance, while the driver need not be involved at all. To meet today’s requirements for Battery Monitoring and Energy Management, solutions have been developed for series vehicles launched in years 2001–2003, operating at the 14 V level. In this paper, Battery Monitoring and Management has been done by considering the change of lead-acid battery properties over life, including grid corrosion, water loss, changes of active material properties, loss of active material availability, etc. Also, Battery Monitoring and Power Management to provide cranking capability several days ahead is also analyzed.

automotive battery SLI vehicle electric power system cattery monitoring state-of-charge (SOC) state-of-health (SOH) battery management energy management

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