American Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
ISSN (Print): 2328-7365 ISSN (Online): 2328-7357 Website: Editor-in-chief: Naima kaabouch
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American Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. 2018, 6(1), 11-15
DOI: 10.12691/ajeee-6-1-2
Open AccessCase Study

Remote Environment Exploration and Measurement Technique via Transmission of Real-Time Video

Ching-Sung Wang1, , Hsiang Huang1 and Yen Lee1

1Department of Electronic Engineering, Oriental Institute of Technology, New Taipei City, Taiwan

Pub. Date: January 25, 2018

Cite this paper:
Ching-Sung Wang, Hsiang Huang and Yen Lee. Remote Environment Exploration and Measurement Technique via Transmission of Real-Time Video. American Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. 2018; 6(1):11-15. doi: 10.12691/ajeee-6-1-2


This study intends to use remote control technology to conduct environment exploration and create a measurement tool that can effectively protect measurement personnel from harm caused by negative environmental factors. In a detected environment, there are various negative environmental factors, such as radioactive rays, gases, or other unknown factors, thus, the safety of traditional manual detection is a concern. This study proposed a mobile exploration tool for solving the above problem. The tool integrates a smart system, a 4G network, WIFI transmission, a radiation sensor circuit, and a wireless IP camera. The concept of remote control cars is used for design and manufacture. After correction, the overall error rate of the system is 4.2%. The proposed tool can realize cross-regional control and provide an unmanned omnibearing tool for preliminary environment exploration and measurement.

WIFI transmission radiation detection remote monitoring environmental monitoring

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