Applied Ecology and Environmental Sciences
ISSN (Print): 2328-3912 ISSN (Online): 2328-3920 Website: Editor-in-chief: Alejandro González Medina
Open Access
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Applied Ecology and Environmental Sciences. 2018, 6(4), 153-159
DOI: 10.12691/aees-6-4-6
Open AccessArticle

Assessment of Bacteriological Quality of Sources of Drinking Water in some Selected Communities in the Akuapem South District of the Eastern Region, Ghana

Saviour V. K. Adjibolosoo1, Stephen T. Annan2, , Francis Adarkwah3, Bright Frimpong1, Joseph A. Ampofo4 and Prince K. Santaigo5

1Institute for Environment and Sanitation Studies (IESS), University of Ghana, Legon

2Department of Science, SDA College of Education, P. O Box 18 Asokore - Koforidua, Eastern Region, Ghana

3Vision World Network, P.O.Box DK 74 Darkuman-Accra

4Water Research Institute, CSIR, Accra, Ghana

5SDA College of Education, P.O. Box 18, Asokore-Koforidua, Eastern Region, Ghana

Pub. Date: November 21, 2018

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Saviour V. K. Adjibolosoo, Stephen T. Annan, Francis Adarkwah, Bright Frimpong, Joseph A. Ampofo and Prince K. Santaigo. Assessment of Bacteriological Quality of Sources of Drinking Water in some Selected Communities in the Akuapem South District of the Eastern Region, Ghana. Applied Ecology and Environmental Sciences. 2018; 6(4):153-159. doi: 10.12691/aees-6-4-6


The study was undertaken in three communities namely, Adamrobe, Aburi, and Pokrom-Nsaba, in the Eastern Region of Ghana. These communities depend on streams, wells, and springs for their drinking water requirements. The objective of the study was to assess the bacteriological quality of the drinking water sources used by the communities. Water samples were analyzed using methods designed in APHA, AWWA, and WEF over a period of twelve months for water quality parameters including faecal coliform, total coliform, and enterococci species. The results of the study revealed that faecal coliforms, total coliforms and enterococci in most water samples were above the World Health Organization and Ghana Water Company Limited recommended limits for drinking water. The pollution of the water sources was partly attributed to direct agricultural activities in the catchment area, lack of toilet facilities, improper disposal of both human and solid wastes as well as poor sanitation around the sources of water. The result indicates that none of these water sources investigated qualify as a suitable direct source of drinking water. The study therefore recommends that the government in collaboration with the District Assembly provide clear guidelines and by-laws in the land use planning process to protect community drinking water sources, land use systems, and to ensure that water resource management is integrated at the local level to minimize pollution from agricultural and other anthropogenic activities. Further studies should be conducted to determine the long-term health effects of the microbial quality of the drinking water sources used by the study communities.

bacteriological quality sources of drinking water selected communities Akuapem south district eastern region Ghana

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