Applied Ecology and Environmental Sciences
ISSN (Print): 2328-3912 ISSN (Online): 2328-3920 Website: Editor-in-chief: Alejandro González Medina
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Applied Ecology and Environmental Sciences. 2022, 10(7), 488-497
DOI: 10.12691/aees-10-7-7
Open AccessReview Article

Implementation of Sustainable Manufacturing in Production Systems: A Systematic Review of Past Decades Data

Pradeep Kumar1, , Abhilasha Chaudhary1, Anita Kuradiya1, Ravikant Mordia1 and Manish Bhandari1

1Mechanical Engineering Department, MBM University, Jodhpur, India

Pub. Date: July 21, 2022

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Pradeep Kumar, Abhilasha Chaudhary, Anita Kuradiya, Ravikant Mordia and Manish Bhandari. Implementation of Sustainable Manufacturing in Production Systems: A Systematic Review of Past Decades Data. Applied Ecology and Environmental Sciences. 2022; 10(7):488-497. doi: 10.12691/aees-10-7-7


Sustainable manufacturing has been a popular topic of research for quite some time now. Various concepts and ideas, such as lean, green, and agile manufacturing, have claimed to have a substantial impact on the manufacturing industry's sustainability. The goal of this research is to map the current literature on sustainable manufacturing in order to analyse and classify existing methods, as well as highlight the potential benefits and challenges of manufacturing sustainability in production systems. Findings suggest that Sustainability in business and policy refers to the goal of preventing the depletion of natural or physical resources so that they can be used indefinitely. Seventy eight research papers have been reviewed in this paper considering the research contribution, methodologies, year of publication and many pertinent concepts, useful for research exploration. Environmental protection aids in the achievement of other strategic goals such as cost and quality. Holistic solutions based on industrial processes integration must be created in order to give larger industrial solutions that safeguard the environment and society from the negative consequences of production while still being cost effective. The paper also throws light on the new challenges faced by sustainable manufacturing in the production systems and manufacturing sectors.

sustainable manufacturing sustainability production systems environment

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