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R.M. Aikin, Jr., The Mechanical Properties of In-Situ Composites, JOM- a publication of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, 49 (8) (1997), pp. 35-39.

has been cited by the following article:


Effect of Mg on the Wear Behaviour of as-cast Al-4.5Cu-3.4Fe in-situ Composite

1Materials and Metallurgical Engineering, Bangladesh university of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh

American Journal of Materials Engineering and Technology. 2015, Vol. 3 No. 1, 7-12
DOI: 10.12691/materials-3-1-2
Copyright © 2015 Science and Education Publishing

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Mohammad Sharear kabir, Tamzid Ibn Minhaj, Md Delower Hossain, ASW Kurny. Effect of Mg on the Wear Behaviour of as-cast Al-4.5Cu-3.4Fe in-situ Composite. American Journal of Materials Engineering and Technology. 2015; 3(1):7-12. doi: 10.12691/materials-3-1-2.

Correspondence to: ASW  Kurny, Materials and Metallurgical Engineering, Bangladesh university of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Email:


Wear behaviour of Al-4.5 mass% Cu-3.4 mass% Fe in-situ composite with different Mg additions was investigated. The composite was produced by solidification processing whereby Al3Fe intermetallic formed in-situ in Al-Cu matrix. The percentages of iron, copper and aluminium were kept constant while varying the mass% of Mg. The microstructure of the original composite revealed needle shaped Al3Fe intermetallic phase/precipitates. These needle shaped precipitates changed to fine irregular shaped precipitates which were widely dispersed throughout the matrix as Mg additions were increased from 1.5 mass% to 4.0 mass%. The hardness of the composite also increased as Mg additions were increased. The wear behaviour of the composites was studied by performing dry sliding wear test using a pin-on-disc wear tester by varying the applied load from 5-15 N for 600 seconds and also by varying the time from 300 to 1200 seconds at an applied load of 5 N. The morphology of the worn out surface was determined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). It is observed that as the applied load and time increases, the wear rate increases but decreases with increasing Mg addition to the composite. The wear resistance increased as hardness of the composite increased. Hence, incorporation of Mg in the Al-4.5 mass% Cu-3.4 mass% Fe in-situ composite increases the hardness and wear resistance of the material due to change in the morphology of the intermetallic phase/precipitate.
