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Chami M. (1910). Erveheja, Selanik, p. IV.

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Ervehe as Moral Triumph and Trial of the Woman Who Explores the Social Utopia

1University "Hëna e Plotë - BEDËR" Tirana ALBANIA

American Journal of Educational Research. 2014, Vol. 2 No. 7, 480-485
DOI: 10.12691/education-2-7-9
Copyright © 2014 Science and Education Publishing

Cite this paper:
RAHIM OMBASHI. Ervehe as Moral Triumph and Trial of the Woman Who Explores the Social Utopia. American Journal of Educational Research. 2014; 2(7):480-485. doi: 10.12691/education-2-7-9.

Correspondence to: RAHIM  OMBASHI, University "Hëna e Plotë - BEDËR" Tirana ALBANIA. Email:


The masterpiece of Muhammad Kyçyku alamiado writer (1784-1844) Erveheja became the most recognized in the period of the Albanian National Renaissance literature, after its first publication, in 1888, in Bucharest, by Jani Vreto. While the number of those who could read the Arabic alphabet was very low, the narrative poem, with only 214 stanzas of four verses, and with octosyllable range, was enjoyed and understood in listening by many admirers. The cause of the massive proliferation should be seen in the simplification of the poetic creation after two adaptations, but also of the social mission of this kind of utopian literature. Being a deliberate literature, it more strongly influenced the listener in the socio-cultural context, as the determining one of the text. After the discovery and the publication of the original text, Erveheja realized a kind of criticism, since the nucleus to understand reading a work of art is hidden within it. More importance was given to the text, by passing the universal themes, as the field of literature which gives the content, but also to the cultural themes, relating to Islam and Islamic culture. The idea that emerges as a dominant feature of the work is individual and the related topics are the pain of life and some other sub topics relating to it. Therefore, the collections of the information will pass on reflective analysis, which will help in accessing the social reality of the dream.
