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Okori O. A. & Jerry, O. (2017). Improvisation and Utilization of Resources in the Teaching and Learning of Science and Mathematics in Secondary Schools in Cross River State. Global Journal of Educational Research, 16, 21-28.

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CHEMIKA and Students’ Academic Achievement in Chemistry

1Secondary Education Department, College of Teacher Education, Quirino State University, Philippines

2International Relations Office, Quirino State University, Philippines

American Journal of Educational Research. 2022, Vol. 10 No. 8, 501-507
DOI: 10.12691/education-10-8-4
Copyright © 2022 Science and Education Publishing

Cite this paper:
Jerick E. Aquino, Romiro G. Bautista. CHEMIKA and Students’ Academic Achievement in Chemistry. American Journal of Educational Research. 2022; 10(8):501-507. doi: 10.12691/education-10-8-4.

Correspondence to: Romiro  G. Bautista, International Relations Office, Quirino State University, Philippines. Email:


The provision of virtual laboratory is paramount to a continuum of providing scientific concepts and principles even during pandemic. The study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of alternative hands-on laboratory e-session through simulated multi-media and interactive knowledge simulation approach on student’s academic achievement in Chemistry. The One Group Pretest-Posttest Design (OGPPD) of the Pre-experimental Design was used in this study as it intends to collect viable data on the employment of Project CHEMIKA as a way of leveraging the academic achievement of Junior High School (JHS) students in Chemistry particularly in the study of Matter. The mean score of the students in the pretest and posttest is increased. This increase is coined as an effectual result of the implemented provisions of Project CHEMIKA; There is a significant difference on the pretest and posttest mean score of the students in Chemistry. This posts a significant increase in the posttest results; The provisions of Project CHEMIKA posted a medium effect on the academic achievement of the students in Chemistry. While the result of the study seems to suggest that the students have better test results when exposed to the proposed intervention, there are important limitations to note. The study was limited in the areas of size, duration, content, and methodology. Albeit limited with the aforementioned parameters, Crocodile chemistry still appears to be a viable application in aiding students learn Chemistry concepts and thereby enhancing students’ academic achievement. Chemistry teachers are encouraged to use this instructional application in teaching Chemistry. Likewise, school administrators may consider presenting it among Chemistry teachers for synchronous class discussions and experiments to enhance existing approaches with the help of modern technology.
