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Sayson, Z. (2001), A correlative study of the performance in high school mathematics and the entrance test of the first year college students of CVSCAFT Tagbilaran City Campus: proposed improvement measure. Master’s thesis. Tagbilaran City: University of Bohol.

has been cited by the following article:


Students’ Performance in Applied Industrial Mathematics Based on Identified Variables

1College of Technology and Allied Sciences, Bohol Island State University Main Campus, Tagbilaran City, Philippines

2Department of Education, Kalubihon High School, Iligan City, Philippines

American Journal of Educational Research. 2022, Vol. 10 No. 7, 432-438
DOI: 10.12691/education-10-7-1
Copyright © 2022 Science and Education Publishing

Cite this paper:
Eliza T. Jala, Bernard O. Callao. Students’ Performance in Applied Industrial Mathematics Based on Identified Variables. American Journal of Educational Research. 2022; 10(7):432-438. doi: 10.12691/education-10-7-1.

Correspondence to: Bernard  O. Callao, Department of Education, Kalubihon High School, Iligan City, Philippines. Email:


This study sought to determine the profile of the respondents in terms of gender, type of School graduated from, IQ, high School grade in Math, mathematics performance in Applied Industrial Mathematics and attitudes towards mathematics. This study also determined the relationship on students’ mathematics performance and the aforementioned variables. The study utilized the descriptive-documentary design. It was conducted at Bohol Island State University Main Campus (BISU-MC), Tagbilaran City. A total of 200 selected first year college students from College of Technology and Allied Sciences (CTAS) were the respondents of the study. Proportional sampling was considered in the study. The researcher utilized the Form 138, Applied Industrial Mathematics grade and IQ. The researcher also used the questionnaire to gather the attitudes towards mathematics. The weighted mean, Pearson Product Moment Coefficient of Correlation and Point Biserial Correlation were used to treat the data. Based on the findings, the mathematics performance of the students is related to IQ, High School Grade in Math and Attitudes towards mathematics. However, gender and type of school graduated were found out to be not related to mathematics performance. The study recommends that teachers may conduct diagnostic examination to evaluate students’ previous mathematical skills. A policy shall be made by the administration to monitor the conduct of this diagnostic examination. Teachers should also encourage the formation of Math Club. This could help the students enhance their mathematical competencies and their attitudes towards mathematics. The students must be exposed to different techniques in learning mathematics so that their confidence and eagerness in solving mathematical problems and exercises will be enhanced. Students themselves should develop the proper attitudes towards mathematics. The mathematics instructors should be immersed to technology shops so that they could relate technology shop terms in teaching mathematics. A similar research study may be made in line with the other factors that affect students’ mathematics performance. Such factors include teaching style, study habits, class size and students’ reading comprehension skills.
