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Dapena J., Gutiérrez-Dávila M., Soto V & Rojas-Ruiz F. Prediction of distance in hammer throwing. Journal of Sports Sciences. 2003; 21 (1): 21-28.

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Biomechanical Analysis Hammer Throw: The Influence of Kinematic Parameters on the Results of Finalists World Championships

1Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, University of East Sarajevo, BIH

American Journal of Sports Science and Medicine. 2020, Vol. 8 No. 2, 36-46
DOI: 10.12691/ajssm-8-2-1
Copyright © 2020 Science and Education Publishing

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Ratko Pavlović. Biomechanical Analysis Hammer Throw: The Influence of Kinematic Parameters on the Results of Finalists World Championships. American Journal of Sports Science and Medicine. 2020; 8(2):36-46. doi: 10.12691/ajssm-8-2-1.

Correspondence to: Ratko  Pavlović, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, University of East Sarajevo, BIH. Email:


Background: Hammer throw is the most complex athletic throwing discipline with a rotational trajectory and the strong action of several different forces that try to disable the projected throwing trajectory. Kinematic parameters are an important segment in the analysis of athletic disciplines, including hammer throw. Aim study: The aim of the study was to determine the influence of spatial and temporal biomechanical parameters on hammer throw results. Methods: The study was conducted on a sample of 56 male and female World Championship finalists (Berlin, 2009, Daegu, 2011, London, 2017). Multiple regression analysis was applied to determine the influence of defined kinematic parameters on the result performance of the throw. Result: The results of the male finalists confirmed the direct correlation between the starting speed (r=0.64 p=0.001), the first turn speed (r=0.47 p=0.017), the release velocity (r=0.86 p=0.000), the release of angle (r=0.37 p=0.049), and the inverse effect of the duration of the first (r=-0.40 p=0.046) and third turn (-0.46 p=0.020). The regression function of the male sample also confirmed the influence of starting speed, release of velocity (p=0.01 p<0.05) and angle of release (p=0.04 p<0.05). In the female finalists, the direct correlation is between the release of velocity (r=0.90 p=0.000), the angle of release (r=-0.62 p=0.000) and the fourth turn speed (r=0.50 p=0.002). The regression function for the female sample confirmed a high negative influence of the starting speed, while the direct influence was recorded at the release of velocity (p=0.02 p<0.05) at the given level of statistical significance of the regression function. Conclusion: The defined set of kinematic parameters had a significant impact on the result performance of male and female hammer throw finalists.
