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Bradley C. Parks and Austin M. Strange, “Aid to Africa: Helpful or Harmful”, China Economic Quarterly, June 2014.

has been cited by the following article:


A Comparative Study of China and EU Aid Policies to Africa in the 21st Century: Will Trilateral Cooperation Increase Aid Effectiveness?

1Xiamen University, South-East Asian Studies, PhD Candidate, Xiamen City, China

World Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities. 2019, Vol. 5 No. 2, 76-83
DOI: 10.12691/wjssh-5-2-3
Copyright © 2019 Science and Education Publishing

Cite this paper:
Kaze Armel. A Comparative Study of China and EU Aid Policies to Africa in the 21st Century: Will Trilateral Cooperation Increase Aid Effectiveness?. World Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities. 2019; 5(2):76-83. doi: 10.12691/wjssh-5-2-3.

Correspondence to: Kaze  Armel, Xiamen University, South-East Asian Studies, PhD Candidate, Xiamen City, China. Email:,


Since the 21st Century, the effectiveness and quality of foreign aid has become the basic goal of both China and the EU. China’s foreign aid to Africa has kept in line with the policy of equal treatment and is also highlighted by the mutual benefit of aid between African States. On the other hand, the EU as a traditional donor, has remained the largest foreign aid distributor in the world, especially on the African continent. As a result, EU foreign aid is until today an indispensable source of funding for many African countries. However, the effectiveness of China’s and the EU’s foreign aid policies on the African continent are being questioned and challenged. Some critics argues that China’s and the EU’s foreign aid policies to Africa are not bringing the best results as expected. What should be done to make progress on poverty reduction and hopefully eradicate poverty on the African continent? A comparative analysis is used in this paper to introduce a new international architecture of foreign aid through trilateral cooperation to improve aid effectiveness. Trilateral cooperation will give a chance to African countries to enhance and strengthen their own development capacity through assistance, ensure ownership and ultimately manage a smooth exit from foreign aid dependence.
