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Susan Buckingham, (2015). “Ecofeminism”, International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences (Second Edition).

has been cited by the following article:


Ecofeminism: Encouraging Interconnectedness with Our Environment in Modern Society

1Srikantabati PSS Sikshaniketan, Raghunathganj, Murshidabad, India

2Haringhata, Nadia, West Bengal, India

American Journal of Educational Research. 2019, Vol. 7 No. 7, 482-484
DOI: 10.12691/education-7-7-7
Copyright © 2019 Science and Education Publishing

Cite this paper:
Gourish Chandra Mondal, Palash Majumder. Ecofeminism: Encouraging Interconnectedness with Our Environment in Modern Society. American Journal of Educational Research. 2019; 7(7):482-484. doi: 10.12691/education-7-7-7.

Correspondence to: Gourish  Chandra Mondal, Srikantabati PSS Sikshaniketan, Raghunathganj, Murshidabad, India. Email:


Ecofeminism, like the social movements it has emerged from, is both political activism and intellectual critique. Bringing together feminism and environmentalism, ecofeminism argues that the domination of women and the degradation of the environment are consequences of patriarchy and capitalism. Any strategy to address one must take into account its impact on the other so that women's equality should not be achieved at the expense of worsening the environment, and neither should environmental improvements be gained at the expense of women. Indeed, ecofeminism proposes that only by reversing current values, thereby privileging care and cooperation over more aggressive and dominating behaviors, can both society and environment benefit. This article considers the heritage of ecofeminism as a multiply braided political praxis and an intellectual position. It examines key critiques of earlier perspectives, before exploring its more recent developments. It considers its relationship with, and potential to enhance other feminist and environmental approaches, particularly those concerned with feminist political ecology and environmental justice.
