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Pavlinov I. Ya. Brief determinant of terrestrial animals of Russia. -M .: MSU Publishing House, 2002.-P.157. -167 p.

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Functional Morphology of Horns and Hooves of Caucasian Tur (Capra caucasia) and Their Significance in the Process of Adaptation to the Highlands of Shahdag National Park of Azerbaijan

1Baku State University

2Azerbaijan Medical University

American Journal of Zoological Research. 2018, Vol. 6 No. 1, 16-19
DOI: 10.12691/ajzr-6-1-4
Copyright © 2018 Science and Education Publishing

Cite this paper:
Najafov J.A., Yusufova Kh. J.. Functional Morphology of Horns and Hooves of Caucasian Tur (Capra caucasia) and Their Significance in the Process of Adaptation to the Highlands of Shahdag National Park of Azerbaijan. American Journal of Zoological Research. 2018; 6(1):16-19. doi: 10.12691/ajzr-6-1-4.

Correspondence to: Najafov  J.A., Baku State University. Email:


Horns and hooves of even-toed animals adapted to the highlands play an irreplaceable role in their life activity. These animals inhabit in extreme situations; any recklessness while rescuing from enemies or moving around, depending on the environmental conditions, can result in death. Thanks to horns and hooves they can orientate and save themselves falling from highlands. So far, the researchers have paid special attention to ecological issues like the structure of tur population, fluctuations in the number of individuals in the population, impact of different factors on fluctuation dynamics in open spaces and reserves [1,2,3]. However, morphological investigation of Caucasian turs’ organs and systems which has an adaptive and evolutional significance have not been thoroughly investigated yet.
